We had the opportunity to review a physical copy of the The Complete Starter Kit from The Kingdom Code.
I think almost every child, at some point in their life, dreams of being the boss, running their own business and making a lot of money. You may have been one of those children, but now, as an adult, you realize that idea is not as easy to achieve as you once thought. Running a business is not easy and it is even harder when you have no knowledge, training or experience.
The Kingdom Code is a 36 -week program for children in third through sixth grades that teaches them how to “Make And Manage Money God’s Way”. Children learn how to envision a business, are walked step-by-step through the creation of a business, managing and maintaining a business, and using their money for their business and life responsibly and Godly. Taking the learning further, students become Knights in God’s Army with training in character development, important life skills, community service, and money management and budgeting with JOEYS – J (Jesus) O (Others) E (Education) Y (You) S (Savings). All of this is done from a Biblical perspective.
The Complete Starter Kit comes with The Kingdom Code Textbook, Activities, Forms & Notices, Worksheets, Teacher’s Guide, TKC Treasure Map, Flash Cards, Posters, 2 Pages of Stickers and KCK Receipt Books. That is everything your child needs to get started on their journey of being a Kingdom Code Kid (KCK). The items in the Student Pack are consumable and you will need to purchase one pack for each child using the curriculum. You will also need a few more items to set up the program, which include:
Two one inch, three-ring binders
One set of divider tabs
One folder with brads and pockets
Six metal-zippered pencil pockets with clear plastic fronts
One quart-size, clear, sealable bag for the flash cards
One red pencil
All of the pieces in the Starter Kit are necessary to teach the course.
As a bonus, The Kingdom Code also sent us its Kingdom Code Coloring Book and JR KCK Budget Kit, which are items you can use with younger children to start them on learning about money management, entrepreneurship and the JOEYS. Younger children may participate in the learning while their older siblings are working through The Kingdom Code curriculum.
All of the pages in the textbook are firm with a glossy finish and are colorful. The format is organized and the lessons are easy to follow for the student. The Teacher’s Guide includes lesson plans for each lesson with detailed instructions about how to teach the lesson of the day, which pages are needed and any manipulatives for the lesson. Each lesson takes about 45 minutes to complete. Completing two lessons each week will have you done in one school year.
Each lesson includes the following sections:
Proclamation: A Biblical principal for the student to focus on for the day
Check Your Path: Completing worksheets
Quest for the Clue: Focus of the lesson theme and goals
Code of Honor: A Bible verse is shared with a practical, real life example
On Your Own: Students work on the own (or with your help if needed) on the Activity sheets
Kingdom Keys: Lesson review (key points) and vocabulary
Congratulations: Add completion sticker to the KCK Treasure Map
Bonus Work: Supplemental work that enhances the lesson
There are other sections that appear throughout the course, but these are ones students can expect to see in each lesson.
I really love the step-by-step (literally each step, so it is hard to get confused) instructions for the student and parent/teacher. I also loved the racial diversity of the children seen throughout the pages of the lessons.
We began the review at “the end” of our school year and did not have as much time as I thought we would, but were able to complete the preliminary pages to start the program.
I had Canyon and Lily complete the self-analysis sheet that helped them learn what type of person they are and would also help them decide an area of business they should purse. It was interesting to see their responses to the questions.
Now that we are in summer mode, we have more time to work on their business ideas. The Kingdom Code is a very comprehensive and thorough program. Although sixth grade is the upper age the program is geared towards, Lily really wanted to participate on the review. She is 15 but has wanted for a few years to start her own business. She had two businesses in mind and I want her to be able to walk through all of the material with careful thought. We are still trying to decide for Canyon a business he would enjoy doing and can put his energy towards.
I set up our binder, so everything would be in order and easily accessible for us to work through the program. The loose student pages and Teacher’s Guide come preprinted, hole-punched and separated by tabs, which made set up easy to do.
Lily plays the flute and would like to teach beginning flute to children.
She also enjoys making stufff like the polymer Slime.
The Slime is really easy to make.
It is so easy (kids can easily make their own) that after working through some of the Activity pages, Lily realized that a business teaching flute lessons would be a better business venture to pursue. Other Activity sheets like this one really help children make good decisions regarding their business. An example of some of those sheets are Business Plan, Logo, Making Face-To-Face sales Calls, Estimate Your Money, Arthur’s Armor Repair Ledger (teaching about fixed and variable expenses), An Income Statement, Check It Out (how to write a check) and more. Every aspect of running a business is included in The Kingdom Code course.
Children will get to use their math skills as they figure percent, fractions and more. Activities like this one give validity and bring to life what they are currently studying in school.
There is a lot of new vocabulary introduced in the course and these vocabulary cards with key terms can be used to practice those words.
Although we did not complete all of the Bonus Code Work in the lessons (there are so many from which to choose), I love the addition of the section. Some of the Bonus Code Work are service projects (ex: writing a card of encouragement, helping someone with a need, etc.), field trips (ex: going to the bank, etc.).
Another feature I like that students will see throughout the course are letters from Jimmi Byler, “Aunt Jimmi”, who is the woman behind The Kingdom Code and an entrepreneur herself. She shares letters from “Aunt Jimmi”, which inspire and motivate students to continue in their entrepreneurial endeavors. The letters are snippets from experiences Aunt Jimmie’s had on her path to becoming and being an entrepreneur.
Some other character traits and lessons children learn are about not spending beyond their means, the importance of delayed gratification, good money stewards, tithing, debt prevention . . all lessons from which many of us adults can also get some good takeaways too. The lessons and skills they learn from The Kingdom Code will help them become Powerful Knights in God’s Kingdom protected by the Armor of God.
Children will enjoy adding stickers along the way on the KCK Treasure Map to track their knight quest through The Kingdom Code course. It is just another fun hands-on element of the program.
Aunt Jimmi’s The Kingdom Code inspires children to dream big, empowers them with everything they need to know about running a business, guides them with Biblical steps, shows them God’s way to use money and teaches them valuable life skills that cover all areas of their lives. They learn everything they need to know to be a valuable “Knight in God’s Army”.

The Kingdom Code The Complete Starter Kit is currently available from for $139.99. For a limited time, you may receive 10 percent off the price when you use coupon code 10TKC20 at checkout. Visit The Kingdom Code website to learn more and grab some free samples.
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All of the children love the “Letters from Aunt Jimmi” section! We are excited to hear that Lily is starting a business giving beginning flute lessons! We look forward to hearing more about the business that Canyon decides to start. Keep us update as your family continues to go through The Kingdom Code!